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Wednesday, March 4, 2009


1. What did you find interesting about the wiki concept? 
* I like the idea a Wiki because anyone can add material to a document. I also thought making a Wiki using PB Wiki was quite simple, just like the name states, "PB Wiki: easy as making a peanut butter sandwich". Wikis have positives and negatives. I like the idea of editing information, but the wrong person could do it and the information wouldn't be accurate anymore. 

2. Banning Wikipedia/ Practice of limiting information by format?
* In high school and college we were recommended not to you Wikipedia because it is not a credible source. We could use it if we had other resources that stated similar facts. I would use Wikipedia to start researching a topic to get some general information. I would also use Wikipedia as a source if the information matches up with other sources. I would not use it if I was doing a formal research paper because the information can be edited by anyone. 

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