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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Different Google Applications

Out of the four applications I experimented with, the calendar and iGoogle were my favorite. I like the idea of using the calendar on the Google website because I now use my gmail account. Calendars help keep me organized and when I program an event into the calendar it sends me an email on the day of the event. I also liked iGoogle because it's a customized homepage and I get to choose what I want to put on it. Picasa and knol weren't my favorite. The knol reminded me of flickr. It's a nice was to edit photos and what not, but I wouldn't use it because my camera has it's own software that allows me to edit pictures. I wouldn't use the knol because I'd rather use other ways to search for information. This is because I'm more comfortable with and general google searches. Overall all of the applications are useful in their own right, I'm just more interested in iGoogle and the calendar.  

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


1. What did you find interesting about the wiki concept? 
* I like the idea a Wiki because anyone can add material to a document. I also thought making a Wiki using PB Wiki was quite simple, just like the name states, "PB Wiki: easy as making a peanut butter sandwich". Wikis have positives and negatives. I like the idea of editing information, but the wrong person could do it and the information wouldn't be accurate anymore. 

2. Banning Wikipedia/ Practice of limiting information by format?
* In high school and college we were recommended not to you Wikipedia because it is not a credible source. We could use it if we had other resources that stated similar facts. I would use Wikipedia to start researching a topic to get some general information. I would also use Wikipedia as a source if the information matches up with other sources. I would not use it if I was doing a formal research paper because the information can be edited by anyone.