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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Social Networking

Social networking is used by many different people for many different reasons. I personally use a social network called Facebook. Facebook can be used by anyone who has assess to the internet and it is free to set up an account. There are many different applications on Facebook. One that would be useful in the classroom or a school are the groups. A teacher could set up a group and post assignments and activities on it. If a student is gone on an activity day, they can assess the activity on Facebook. The groups can also be used as a means of communication between a teacher and their students. 


  1. Agreed facebook is a great way to stay in touch with friends/family. Blog looks good

  2. I use facebook all the time to keep up with friends and family as well as groups I'm a member of, and I like your suggestion of using it to keep up with younger dancers. You could also do that to stay in touch with students.
